Weather Guarantee
Weather is the biggest variable in planning any outdoor event. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to change the weather however there are ways to plan for it. For example, we have minute by minute weather forecasts on our web enabled cell phones.
Wind speed is also a concern. The inflatable screens can safely handle wind speeds up to 23 mph (the speed at which trees start to sway vigorously). We need wind speeds of less than 15 mph in order to inflate the screen. Should the winds exceed 23 mph, our technicians will deflate the movie screen and wait for the winds to calm for an extended period time before inflating again. Deflating takes only about one minute and inflating takes between 5 and 8 minutes.
It is strongly recommended (and sometimes required) that the event organizer has an indoor location booked as a back-up venue. This will ensure that the show goes on no matter what mood mother nature is in that day.
When all else fails, our weather policy is shown below:
Weather Policy
Service Provider = Southern California Outdoor Movies
Event Organizer = Client
The Service Provider shall be entitled to cancel the screening of the movie due to inclement weather prior to or during the movie. The Event Organizer does not have the right to cancel the event to due to the forecast of inclement weather. It is at the Service Provider’s discretion to decide when the event will be called off and this decision can only be made on the day of the scheduled event. If the weather looks threatening (imminent rain, rain, looming thunder clouds, dangerous winds capable of damaging equipment), the Service Provider reserves the right to protect its own equipment by cancelling the presentation of the film.
The Service Provider reserves the right to delay set-up or pause the presentation for up to two hours until suitable weather conditions exist. If inclement weather prevents the complete screening of the film, where less than 50% of the film has been presented, and if there is no appropriate indoor back-up venue, the Service Provider guarantees the Event Organizer one make-up event within nine months of the original event date, depending on availability. Two fees will be charged for the make-up event:
1. Travel costs associated with the returning to your venue at the rate of the $1.25 per mile round-trip from zip code 48116
2. A $500 weather related cancellation fee to cover employee time
No refunds will be made for the initial payments. Expiration of this credit will occur nine months after the original event date.
Note: This weather policy is subject to change.